Our Crystal Straw is a lot more than just a sweet-looking accessory for your drink. Our super durable glass straw also helps to eliminate single-use plastics. Everyone knows that plastic straws are terrible for the environment but honestly, we don’t like the alternatives (like paper), either. Their main issue is that they are opaque and you never know if they’re 100% clean or not. The second problem is that they have a taste. Glass – especially the kind of glass we use – does not. A difference you’ll love!
The best way to make it a positive habit or even a ritual to drink water consciously with positive thoughts and positive vibes from gemstones is to use a device that helps you to actually enjoy drinking water and turns it into something special. On-the-go, one great way of doing that is using a crystal water bottle, at home with the family having a Crystal Water Decanter or Dispenser at hand is your best option.
This leaves one gap, though. What do you do with a pre-made drink or a glass of water served in a restaurant or at the bar? We’ve been working on a solution for this for some time now and are very proud to present the Crystal Straw by VitaJuwel.
Crystal for the Solar Chakra
positivity | confidence | determination
Origin: Mexico